forced intox phone sex

forced intox phone sex

Never drink alone!  You should be drinking with me, Brooke, your Goddess of Bacchanalia.  In the mood to play with your favorite booze and get buzzed with Brooke? Tequila, Bourbon, Scotch, Jagermeister, Schnapps, Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, Wine, Beer…  Get out your favorite bottle, a glass, a shot glass, ice – if you like it on the rocks, a mixer like Coca Cola or Club Soda if you want to slow down the effects and not feel the booze catch up with you right away.  Or I might just make you drink it straight from the bottle!   It’s time to party on forced intox phone sex.  I will tell you when to have another sip, do another shot, pour another drink.  Maybe we will play a drinking game I will devise.  Don’t start drinking without me.  I want to take you from sober to intox’d for the maximum effect!

When you are on a drinking spree for me, I will take advantage of you, I will make you confess your sexual secrets. I will have complete control of you like a forced intox phone sex puppet.  You will be powerless, you will feel so weak, you will lose all inhibitions.  If I tell you to do something, you will do it, like take self shot photos of yourself after you write whatever I tell you to write on your naked body with a sharpie marker, like Brooke’s Bitch, Loser, Idiot.

Call me now at 1-888-70-Hot4U for forced intox phone sex and ask for me, Brooke.

AIM: Brookebabegirl
Yahoo: BabyGirlBrooke

mutual masturbation phone sex

mutual masturbation phone sex

Some people think that when you’re talking dirty to someone, well that’s mutual masturbation phone sex, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about both of us masturbating thinking about how each other is masturbating. I’ve been with men where it was totally hot watching him jerk off while I played with my pussy. I loved watching him get harder and bigger as I rubbed my clit until I was soaking wet. It was incredible to time our orgasms so we’d both cum at the same time in one heated explosion of ecstasy. Mutual masturbation phone sex is similar. I love hearing you masturbate. Knowing you are stroking your cock just for me as I rub my slippery slit drives me wild. Let me hear how hard your cock gets and I’ll hold the phone up to my wet pussy so you can hear how juicy I get for you.

It’s not that I think mutual masturbation phone sex can’t be a part of a steamy sexual roleplay, it totally can. Let’s say I walk in on you “accidentally” jacking off… of course I want to keep watching you and maybe sit next to you and start rubbing my pussy through my panties while I watch you. Both of us enjoying our shared masturbation experience. I even love taboo mutual masturbation phone sex fantasies. I would love it if you made little old me masturbate for you or if I found you watching some truly deviant porn while jacking off. I’d make you keep stroking for me just like you’d make me keep rubbing my cunt.

I’m still a no limits and no restrictions when it comes to my nasty talk, but mutual masturbation phone sex is on my mind right now. All the taboo things we could do together!

Call Natalie at 1 888 70 HOT4U

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