The other day, I was having an interesting conversation with my friend Lesley, and it got me thinking of forced feminization phone sex. You see, Lesley is one hot tranny and we chat all the time. Well, while we are chatting, she got a syringe full of this thick substance and asked if I would help her out. She exposed one of her ass cheeks and pointed to a spot and said to put the needle in there and inject the substance. After I did, I asked her what it was that I had just put into her ass cheek. She laughed and said that is was estrogen, or just simply hormones. I then asked her what it was for and she said, well you inject it into any muscle source and it provided the body with the female hormone, estrogen, to aid in fat redistribution to create a more feminine look for transgender females. She explained the process in a little more detail for me and honestly, it was quite interesting. I asked her if it were possible to see the transition from start to finish. She said, it was, especially if you take pictures ever so often to document the transition. I asked her if she had taken pictures and if I could see them, but she didn’t have any. Which was very disappointing to me in a way, but I just accepted it.
And then it hit me, maybe because I have an odd sense of humor/mindset, but what if I picked out a very manly looking male, invited him over to my house and then seductively lead him into my basement and gave him hormone shots over a period of time, so I can see first-hand how they work. I mean who doesn’t want to please a little hottie like me, and i’m sure there is a man who’s ready to do anything for a sexy goddess like me. Even if that’s changing everything about themselves. Oh I know you closet sissy’s are out there, and I am soo ready for you. I asked Lesley is she had any extra hormones, dressed, wigs, heels and makeup because I have a friend that wants to transition. She laughed again, and said sure, I can definitely help with that! So she gave me a huge box full of stuff and that set my plan in motion. Now all I need is to find the perfect male specimen to test out my study. And here is where you will come in! Everything is ready and waiting for you. It time for some erotic forced feminization phone sex!!
Call 1-888-70-HOT4U and get ready for my study trials to begin..I bet you will make a pretty girl 😉
AIM: craving4rhea
Yahoo: craving4rhea