I shall be honest I didnt grow up attending any form of traditional church. Never believed saying Jesus names in vain would have lightening strike me down. So religious blasphemy phone sex fantasies dont bother me. Well I will say bother me in the sense that I think I will get struck down by lightening or that I will end up in eternal damnation for being a freaky girl.

That being said I do find saying “ Fuck Jesus” extremely sexy. I mean in the heat of the moment when I am nearing orgasm I do say that anyways. Do wonder what Jesus thinks when he gets called upon during a sexual climax?
So back to the blasphemy phone sex fantasies. Even though I never attended church I cant say that I dont find the idea of having sex in a church unappealing. For the fact that its rather taboo location only intensifies the craving to do it. Who wouldnt right?
Never mind look who I am talking too. Most who call for religious blasphemy phone sex did go to church and come up with the most intense role plays around. Be it just taking the name of the lord in vain while fucking in a confessional type thing. To using those crucifixes in rather interesting ways. Oh and cant forget summoning the devil during the most intimate of loving making.
Am loving the near god experience, so please keep the unique religious experiences coming. For I love being a nasty slut in the house of God.
1-888-704-6848 just ask for Raine